Day 9. A letter to the coolest person you’ve never met

Jul 25, 2010 23:59

Dear Dos Equis Man,

I am writing you this letter because you’re “cool.”  In the interest of full disclosure you’re actually my second choice though.  I was going to write the Old Spice Guy, but I figure he’s too busy turning into stuff and having a lot of sex with random women whilst smelling really nice.  He must have an awesome life.  I  mean he probably has the ability to have anyone he wants.  Plus he must save so much money on transportation since he can suddenly just appear in a car or on a horse.  That is so cool, and now that I think about it, why am I even writing you?  Since you pale in comparison to this guy, why don’t you pass this letter on to him for me?  I mean you seem to be interesting enough for him to pay you some attention.  So yeah please do that me.  Thanks man.

Sincerely, Shavis

P.S. Your beer sucks.

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