I have been feeling inexplicably depressed lately. I wake up in the morning and feel tired and disoriented. I haven’t gotten to the point where I call out sick from work from feeling depressed, but I don’t look forward to the day. I console myself with the possibility of a nap at lunch time (which I never take, but somehow helps me get out of bed
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I have not yet figured out the perfect career path or anything. I have a degree in graphic design, but I don't feel very inspired to create anything. I like working with people, which is probably why I am so good at Customer Support type jobs, and I have a lot of patience. I am pretty burned out on working with kids, so I am highly unlikely to return to that field.
I am still working out what I wanna be when I grow up I guess, but with the added pressure of actually pretty much being a grown-up. I am 34 now... I am fairly certain I will not have kids, partly because of a lack of desire but also because I am getting too old.
There are good times, and there are plenty of good things. I like where I live, I get to spend time with my mom, I really enjoy karaoke, and I have been going on hikes with my roommate, and I have been hanging out with a bunch of like minded individuals at various venues. I still get to see my Blizz peeps when I make some efforts, and I am always trying to make sure I have plans.
When I start feeling down, I try to find ways to trick myself out of it. It's not soul crushing like it used to be, thankfully. :) That's one of the good things about having turned 30... my brain sorta slotted into a more reasonable frame and I haven't felt so hormotional... :D
So maybe deep down you're not meant to be a graphic designer or anything, but my guess is that your ideal job is probably people-related somehow. And I was kinda thinking that maybe if you like helping peeps, but don't wanna deal with kidlets anymore, you could be a social worker or something. I think you're probably nice+tough enough. Just spit-balling though. It definitely takes a lot of taking stock of yourself and your skills to figure this shit out.
I totally know what you mean about feeling like your brain has settled down a lot. I read that the decision-making and planning portions of your brain finally stop developing around the time you turn 28. And I definitely felt life got a *lot* easier around then.
I'm glad you at least have your friends and hobbies situation sorted out. I wish we lived closer, I definitely could use some more good homies myself ;(
werd. well just a thought, but if you'd be down, might be fun to take a train ride down here and we could do a SD-tourism day. There's lots of stuff I probably *should* have done by now, but have just kinda put off since I live here ;P~
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