Jan 27, 2008 11:50
When did this election get so damned nasty? The point of the primaries is to, in the most civil manner possible, decide a candidate. Everyone's supposed to be on the same side, really. I know no primary is like that, but this one was doing a decent job of it until about two-three weeks ago, when BOTH Clinton(s) and Obama started sniping at each other. Also, the attitude among their supporters, in particular Obama supporters, has been really aggressive and nasty. The way I feel about it, either candidate would do a marvelous job in the Oval Office, and either one would do great things. There are subtle differences that make some feel inclined toward one or the other, but the way the rhetoric, just on this livejournal group alone, has been going, you'd think that Clinton was the antichrist or something. In many ways, it's become more juvenile, even. It's like high school all over again, with this sort of "In your face!" and "Na na naaa na na naaa" attitude. And Clinton supporters are just as bad, so I'm not trying to be biased here, I just get all sorts of prime examples since you all so vehemently support Obama.
But seriously, what the hell happened? In the end this is simply going to hurt the democrats, particularly if McCain is picked to run.
Also, and this is more of a discussion point since I just thought of it, given the massive turnout of black voters in South Carolina and that Obama got 80% of their vote, do you think that the whole "Clintons are racist" stuff has come into play? It seemed like the media was going to try to find any way to make race an issue in this election, and so they found those quotes, which both in and out of context didn't really make either Marissa or I think "wow, that racist!" Marissa was saying that Obama has been doing grassroots stuff in SC for a whole year and that he's worked really hard there, so that might alone explain it. But I was just curious if anyone else thought that those comments and the subsequent media (and Al Sharpton) reaction made a difference?
Final election point: I wish Bill Clinton would get the hell out of the picture. I love the guy, but I think he's going to, in the end, hurt Hillary's chances.