Apr 12, 2007 21:00
So, I'm feeling optimistic about Lesbian Film In General. I was just perusing the internet to see what Jenny Shimizu is up to these days, and apparently she's in that Itty Bitty Titty Committee (hard to type) movie along with everyone else. I'm pretty excited about the movie because:
a) It actually looks sorta good.
b) Gay Flick + High Production Value = Rare Combination.
c) I'm curious if Daniela Sea's acting is going to be as horrible as it is during the few short scenes they give her on The L Word. Luckily, her hotness is inversely proportional to the quality of her acting.
d) I have a Loews gift card. Though it'll probably only be playing at one of the little theatres.
My reason for optimism is that the last few dyke-themed movies I've seen have been really good. And not just look-it's-a-movie-that-depicts-my-demographic-therefore-I-am-required-to-like-it kind of good. I've actually Enjoyed watching these things. Like Saving Face. Granted, I'm not exactly in the Chinese-American lesbian demographic, but still. Close enough. A few moments of hilarity. No embarrassing sex scenes involving candle light or a Sarah McLachlan soundtrack.
And porn! I won't discuss my appreciation of the work of Shine Louise Houston in detail, but she's really done some innovative things by avoiding obese, acne-prone actors and upping production value. And including the ghost of Rick James. I mean there is some bad lesbian porn out there. Like bad to the point of ending a scene with an "in memoriam" still of one of the actors who apparently died since filming. Anyway, there's probably some rule about linking to porn sites from livejournal, so just look up Pink and White Productions.
In other news, I just gorged myself on tempeh fake chicken salad. It's better than it sounds, hence the gorging. I have too much work.