→ omg guys I survived the battle ;; two months without fandom, I'm good job \o/ I’ve to admit, it was far better and less miserable than I thought it would be. really, if you've gone for a definite hiatus, and you come back, you won’t see the fandom like you once did. exactly what happened to me ;; it's not that bad though
→ and yay, I’m still pretty much breathing!
→ exams were fun. no. seriously. I had a good time with my books and papers ;; we aren't actually together now so that's pretty sad lol
→ I don’t want to spend my next three months at home, failing at life
→ holidays! no more school! I should be happy, really bye high school bitches don't miss me
→ so a lot of things happened while I was gone. yeah, a lot. it'll take me forever to catch up
→ /massive flails for everything/ yup, that's pretty much it
→ I’m back with pretty header yay.
lenten_rose lenten_rose lenten_rose → I'm ready to spazz and flail again after months of sleepless nights lol