I don't even know where to begin except to say that just when I believe I'm on top of things, the bottom drops out of my game. I've had some real general frustration on the j-o-b because I can't remember every damn thing and I have a team that doesn't communicate. I can't do shit about it either. I do the heavy lifting and those mo fo's don't have shit to say except when something goes wrong. I took a few days off and when I come back, I'll have quite a bit of work to do, but fuck it!
I'm cussin' a lot, but I don't care. This journal is bought and paid for and I will say whatever the hell I want on my damn site. I love being able to say that. Anyway, long story short, today was a shitty day, but I'm damn glad to be alive and working. I realize I'm privileged and for that I am thankful. Take me away Jermaine!
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