For what its worth
Processing information, man or machine? .......
Elves and gnomes prance about my very thoughts, reality or just a bad cup of coffee? Starting all over was always a fail safe, denial a bad habit never controlled. Running until your arteries burst, and sweat becomes blood, goals unreachable ....................dreams lost. ......the .... enemy. Clutch a cross for comfort, kneel before Christ for conviction. A faceless wonder walks among the masses, rain is a friend.....not warm.........but a steady cool..............Umbrellas fill the crowded streets, the rythm of water to earth is unsettling. The slight frost, chill, shudder.............................All windows currently open, doors locked. Light breaks through darkened clouds, the soul is set free. Tears surrendered to completion sink slowly, as-vault washed memories that fade in time. A smile hidden by wisps of hair, and the endeament carried with it, cynical dispositions fleeding..................I am happy now ....
There is only so much I can say, until my words have lost all meaning. My repetitive ramblings become bad lyrics to a played out song........
To: anyone that I have offended or struck a bad cord,
From the bottom of my heart I apologize