I'm really getting tired of being an outcast among outcasts.

Dec 08, 2009 15:26

I just find out today from a friend of mine (Friend A) that another friend of mine (Friend B) is snubbing the shit out of me, even though I've been nothing but nice and agreeable to Friend B. Addendum: If you think this is about you, YOU ARE WRONG. And if you really feel that goddamn paranoid, I pity you.

And this isn't the first time that such a complete 180 has happened to me. It's about the fourth.

What do all these friends of mine have in common? They are all furries.

I have about 8 localish furry friends other than the five I've listed above, and only one ever messages me with "Hey, let's hang out" or "Wanna go do something later?" And even then, it's a very rare occurrence (maybe once every couple of months).

But getting back to the topic title, I am an autistic furry. I'm high-functioning, so I'm seen as "normal". I don't do well in social situations, I kind of just wander around. I actually had to stop myself and NOT wander so much at a party (the first I've been invited to in just under 2 decades. Seriously, the last one I was invited to was in KINDERGARTEN.) I can be taken the wrong way sometimes, that my lack of eye contact or tendency to have happy tics (I hit my index and middle fingers against my thumb when excited about something) are seen as creepy.
Essentially, I am an outcast (autistic) among outcasts (furry). And frankly, if you don't want to hang out with me, tell me to my face. Don't hide. Drop me a line, like "Hey, I didn't like X or Y about you, maybe we shouldn't hang out anymore." But don't drop off the face of the earth and then go "I've got nothing to say. I met you a few times, you annoyed the piss out of me each time, and I could do without hearing from you again. Sorry." That pisses me off more than that person will ever know.

I've actually had thoughts about just dropping the furry act right here, buying a Guy Fawkes mask, and trolling what was once my brethren. But honestly, a majority of furries troll themselves with silly BAWWWWWWWWWWWW. (And yes, I know. Big fat hypocrisy alert.)
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