My awful week

Jul 21, 2007 01:58 maybe I complain a lot. Or maybe I'm just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or maybe I just really pissed off somebody important. But this pretty much shows how crappy this week has been.

1-Landlady almost evicted us for a mess that I didn't make..nor did my roommates.
2-My truck got booted at Brits' house, a 200 dollar fix that I really didn't have. The one good thing that came out of that was a job offer at blue man group. All I needed was a resume..which takes me to
3-My buddy accidently blew up my computer charger...along with frying a lightbulb and kickin off our power for a little while. Wait now no no resume. I wish I wish I could remember my work history and numbers better.
4-Woke up this morning and went out to my truck with my friend brit hernandez (I know the brit thing has got to stop lol) when i sat down I realized that some....bad person...had stolen my 500 deck in my truck...which is only my fault..fantastic.
5-Price in electricity went up, and its also gotten hotter..which sucks because we have a 650 electric bill..that i found out about today (dangit tim), and if its not paid in ten days power goes off. Just..annoying.

I'm in a really bad mood and there are certain people that just don't help. Brit however is a definite exception. She hung out with me all day, watched Star wars and the cell. Her boyfriend is out of town so we've been hangin, and it was just so nice to hang out with a new girl and she really brought me out of a crap day.

Harry Potter is out. I'm sorry...I know I'm in the minority but these days always bite. My friends dissapear for a week and then are unreachable unless you can converse with "Potter Lingo". I'm pretty apathetic about whether Harry and Hermione save the day and conquer..I just want someone to talk to.
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