The Emperor's Ploy to get me inside Taco Bell

May 09, 2005 15:27

OK. Westview got like bought out by Regal (the heartless monopoly that gives high-ranked employees, batons), so we couldnt see kingdom of r rated movie bullshit policy. so dan and i went back to my place for some small occupant halo. surprisingly, it was quite agressive. ben came over later and the two of them challenged me using primarily vehicles. i hate to sound cocky but u kno i have to tell this story. it was neck and neck the entire game, depsite them controlling the tank. towards the middle of the game the general custer inside me awoke and i was given brilliant military strategy. i ended up winning. agreed on by dan and ben, it was one of the best agressive halo matches ever. all the elements of a damn fine game. so now that i'm done being a nerd i'll have you know that mal foley and i just raced amatuer car driver steven currin and his ravenous possie: alice kinsey and winston price. it was gold. we're doing it again this weekend in a-town. keep your kids indoors.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Mrs. Megrew told us that she had a forreign object removed from her foot..."- Dan Bennett
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