Oct 15, 2005 16:17
So I thought I’d take some time to tell you about some of the little things in daily life that just annoy the piss out of me sometimes.
In no real order:
Fat people who are unaware of their presence. Like the people I work with. I have one girl that works there who when she walks by forces me to move to one side and stop walking so she can get by. When she wont pay attention to her path and work around me (my job is in that spot and hers isnt so I take priority) it slows me down and it drives me fucking batty.
If your gunna be over weight then get the fuck out of my way cause I have no patience for you being in my goddamn way, I care about my body and I work out to keep in shape and I have no respect for you if your over weight and you don’t that’s just saying “I don’t wanna be here, don’t care if im fucking my body up and I die.”
Piss off. Ugh!
Stupid fuckin questions.
Now I kno this seems generic as hell but I mean questions to witch it should be blatently obvious the answer and even then it only really annoys me when it comes from someone who should be smarter then to ask said question.
For example:
Today the president of King Arthur Flour (who was an ivy league grad) comes up to me and asks “Tristen do you work 800 hours a year?”
I pause for a minute and ask “uhhh 800?”
“Steve…what kind of question is that!?”
He gives me a look like I am my father and he looks in his little note book thing and goes “well I guess you don’t cause I don’t have anything here for you.”
EVEN DUMBER!? If you could just check a fuckin list then maybe that’s what you should do! RAWR!
I wasn’t sure how to title this one but it comes from when I’m playing poker and I bust out of a tournament. Not because I bust but because of the REASON I go broke. Usually its just bad luck or maybe I get out played. But occasionally I let my mind slip and I play badly. It peeves me because I know im better than that. I have a lot of potential to become the best poker player you could imagine, I just have to put my mind to it more often.
Sometimes I think I’m just over confident.
Hmmm, I’m still working this one out.
Heres one people will really find amusing;
Team work
This is in reference to halo. I play a lot of halo because it’s a combat strategy game were I can employ all kinds of different strategies and “the art of war” happens to be one of my fav. books of all time if not my #1 favorite. It’s when I play team games with people who are no good at communicating or enacting any kind of plan. They charge the room the other team is guarding and die, then they do it again. No regaurd for teamwork or common fuckin sense.
I wish there were a device hooked up to everyones nipples who played halo and every time you do something really fucking dumb, you get shocked right in the nip nips.
There are single player “free for all” game types for these monkeys.
Yes I understand it’s a game but it’s a game that I play and I try to be good at and so its annoying when some fucktard is to stupid to use his brain.
If these people were actually in combat situations they’d all die very quickly probably quicker than the game.
*Derek and I just played a sweet game of 2v2 slayer and we won by one point because we worked together.
Most people get bored when they have a one point lead but Derek and I sat in one little room and taunted them.
“blue team has no nuts!”
”hey why don’t ya come in here! There a party! Your moms in here! And theirs candy! JUST GET IN THE VAN!”
then we ended up in the last 30 seconds being up by one 13-14. one dude rushed us as we were hiding and he killed Derek with 2 seconds left so it was 14-14. I come running around the rock and shoot the guy in the skull and he dies 15-14. we win cause Derek and I know how to function as a team, even when they control the power weapons we win because of our team work and strategy.
Good times.
Guys on myspace with no shirt on trying to show off their muscles.
its just macho “look at how awesome I am" shit that drives me nuts.
You can tell the ones I’m talking about apart from the rest because they have their hair all done like they just got it done professionally.
They are the guys who got no love from girls in high school so they are compensating by hitting on girls on the internet.
and if you try to argue this last one then you should stop reading my posts cause your just not getting it.
I fear no one will find any humor in this post.