Woot for Photobucket refusing to let me upload more than one pic at a time...! Anyways. I lied, the costume took me two weeks, including the purchase of fabrics, sewing for the first time in four years, and putting on individual sequins for the snake on Sal's little scarfy thing. Which you can't see. But, I'm too lazy to take pics of it and upload them right now, so...meh.
This is yours truly at the OotP pre-screening.... xD; The only other cosplayers were these cute younger kids with sparkling capes. Two of them started a duel with each other while we were waiting in line.... It was awesome. (That's my ticket you can see protruding from the sash, by the way.... xD )
Left to right: Cousins Sammie and Kristen, buddy Gwendolyn, and meself. They did not cosplay (
Meh cousins lurking around Tokyokid! Kristen was a Muggle/Original Character/Haruhi-something-or-other-from-miscellaneous-anime, and Sammie was Cho Chang.
Rowena Ravenclaw keeps Salazar Slytherin on a short leash...! That's actually my friend Katina. xD We were in-character the whole day, which was loads of fun. We definitely got some stares arguing about admitting Muggle-borns into Hogwarts, complaining about Godric Gryffindor, and generally being confused as to how we ended up in 2007 wandering around some land called "America."
Rowena and Salazar with students Cho and Haruhi in Tokyokid frightening the customers, haha.
And some of the BEST cosplayers I've ever seen! @_____@ This Malfoy family was amazing, I definitely wished I'd been able to talk to them! My aunt chased them down for a picture while I obliviously walked in the other direction. Eep, their costumes are so cool, I am muy jealous.
So yeah, that's it for now. :3 I definitely hope there are some more opportunities to whip this costume out again; it was a very fun experience.