Title: Finn Hudson Mans Up
lennoxave Pairing,Character(s): Burt, Finn
Rating: PG
Word Count: 932
Spoilers: Through 2.10, "A Very Glee Christmas."
Summary: Finn seems like he's finally learned a lesson at Burt and Carole's wedding. But he's seemed like he's learned a lesson before. Did it finally stick this time?
Finn Hudson Mans Up
“Burt,” Finn said as he looked forlornly in the refrigerator, “I think we're finally out of food.”
Burt groaned from his spot on the couch. Carole had been sick in bed with the flu for almost a week now, which meant that most household chores had been put on hold. They weren't starving or anything; Finn had discovered that Burt was actually a pretty decent cook, but a lot of the stuff Carole did now was stuff Kurt had done in the past, and neither Finn nor Burt really wanted to pick up the slack. Dishes were done only when no other dishes were left to be used, and the grocery shopping had been put off as long as possible.
“All right,” Burt sighed. “Go put some shoes on. We're going to the grocery store.”
* * *
The trip went pretty well. Burt wasn't some sort of bumbling sitcom dad; he clearly didn't enjoy shopping, and he certainly didn't like that he had to bypass most of the products in the snack food aisle now, but he knew what cuts of meat to get from the butcher and the difference between skim and whole milk and how to tell if the pears were ripe. It occurred to Finn that Burt had been a single dad for a pretty long time. Clearly, Kurt hadn't been doing the grocery shopping when he was ten. He wasn't sure why he was surprised that Burt was pretty good at doing the domestic stuff when clearly the guy had had a lot of practice doing it.
Finn noticed that the Hummels tended to surprise him.
As they were leaving the store, a commotion outside caught Finn's attention. A kid was surrounded by four other kids who had backed him into the brick wall of the grocery store. They all looked like they were about eleven or twelve years old. The kid who had been cornered was smaller than all the rest, and his blonde hair was neatly parted on his head while his attackers all wore shaggy haircuts.
“So Greg's a big girl, isn't he?” one of the kids taunted the blonde one. “He's a big girly-girl who can't catch a football!” The blonde kid, Greg, refused to meet the other kid's eyes and turned his head defiantly. He still looked terrified, though.
“Worse,” said another one of the kids. “He's a fag.” The kid was holding something behind his back. It was a slushie.
Finn had forgotten how early that Lima tradition started.
As he started toward the scene, he felt Burt make a move next to him, too. Finn put a hand on his shoulder to stop him, because the last thing he needed to do was bail Burt out of jail for punching out a middle schooler. “I'm on it,” he said. He strode angrily over to the group.
“Hey!” he shouted at them, and the bullies looked up at him, a little afraid. It dawned on him that a big tall angry dude in a letterman jacket was probably a pretty intimidating sight to a twelve-year-old. Good. They should be intimidated.
“What the hell do you think you're doing?” he asked them.
“Man, we're just having some fun,” the boy with the slushie said.
“You don't have the right,” Finn said, trying to keep the shake out of his voice, “to say those things to this kid, you understand? You don't have the right to treat someone like that.”
“Who's gonna stop us?” asked another one of the bullies.
Finn had been leaning over to talk to the kids. He brought himself up to his full height now. “I am,” he said, his voice deep and commanding. He didn't intend for a second to get physical with any of these kids. But they didn't know that.
His scare tactic worked. “Fuck this,” the first bully said, and the group broke out into a run away from Finn.
“I better not see you punks mess with this kid ever again,” Finn shouted after them. He looked down at the blonde boy. Greg, he reminded himself.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Greg replied. “Thanks.”
“Look,” Finn said, “if this keeps happening? Tell a teacher. Tell your parents. Get someone to help you, okay?'
Greg nodded.
“Good. You got a ride home?” Finn asked.
“My mom's picking me up.”
“Do me a favor and wait inside, okay? In case those jerks come back.”
“Okay.” Greg walked with him over to where Burt was standing with the shopping cart, and then inside the building. Both Finn and Burt watched him go through the doors.
“You did good, kid,” Burt said, clasping Finn on the shoulder.
Burt looked back over his shoulder, and Finn did the same. Greg was standing at the glass next to the automatic door looking at them. When he saw Finn look back at him, he looked away and shoved his hands in his pockets.
“I think you might be that kid's knight in shining armor,” Burt smiled.
“Could be,” Finn said as they pushed the cart back to the car.
Maybe Greg wasn't gay and the bullies were just taunting him for fun. But Finn strongly suspected that he had just wound up being that kid's first real-life crush on a boy.
He smiled to himself as he opened the passenger's side door.
Totally worth it.