Just a Perfect Blendship

Nov 15, 2010 13:39

Title: Just a Perfect Blendship
Author: lennoxave 
Pairing,Character(s): Will, Beiste
Rating: PG (there's like, one swear word)
Word Count: 3,493
Spoilers: Through 2.06, "Never Been Kissed"
Summary: Written for this prompt at the glee_fluff_meme .  Will and Beiste become BFFs, and Will helps Beiste meet the perfect man for her.
Author's Note: I want these two to be best friends ( Read more... )

gleefic, will, beiste

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Comments 24

aishuu November 15 2010, 20:06:09 UTC
I am so full of squee for this. Yay for Willdabeiste friendship!!


lennoxave November 15 2010, 20:07:56 UTC
Oh my god, Willdabeiste is the BEST NAME EVER FOR THEIR EPIC FRIENDSHIP.


aishuu November 15 2010, 20:39:33 UTC
^_^ I'd take either friendship or romance. She's so awesome, though, that she kinda deserves better than Will...


lennoxave November 16 2010, 03:57:46 UTC
Right? Dude needs to get his shit together before he can date the Panther.


actorwanabe November 15 2010, 20:35:00 UTC
Oh my god! FINALLY! I have been waiting FOREVER for someone to finally write a will/beiste friendship fic. I was really bummed when someone didn't write something right away after NBK. This was all kinds of adorable-especially loved the endearing bit of Will threatening Tony with his kids. Aww. It really is true-he could sick his kids on him. lol so awesome.


lennoxave November 16 2010, 03:59:57 UTC
Hee! Thank you so much! I tend to write long rants in my fic, and I think Will's rant about siccing the Gleeks on Tony is my favorite one I've ever written. :)


pixiellie November 15 2010, 21:20:48 UTC
I just had a truly awful day, and decided to kill time before dinner checking out the site. I had to de lurk to tell you this was wonderful. I love to tone of the friendship- Shannon making the first invite to the bar and Will's offering to search out the right stores.

This was charming and surprisingly believable. Thank you.


lennoxave November 16 2010, 04:00:54 UTC
Aw, thanks! I'm glad I could inject a little charm into your day!


alicebluegown16 November 15 2010, 21:25:38 UTC
Things that I loved and want to build you a shrine for:

1) Will being a Browns fan.

2) Lebron James is a tool. True fax.

3) Will's parents being alcoholics because that is so totally my head canon.

4) Will threatening Tony with the wrath of twelve angry, sexually frustrated, misfit teens. I'd be scared of that too!


lennoxave November 16 2010, 04:03:39 UTC
Thanks! Honestly, I spent a stupid amount of time on Wikipedia trying to figure out things about sports because I know jack about them. For the Cavs, I was like . . . does Ohio even have a basketball team? Lol. And then I read the page and realized oh. Right. Cleveland's version of Brett Favre. :D


ellydash November 15 2010, 23:34:39 UTC
Oh, my God, I love this so, so much. Especially Will threatening Tony with the glee kids. Amazing. Why can't your Will be the show's Will? He's awesome.


lennoxave November 16 2010, 04:08:36 UTC
Thank you! I always take compliments about Will very highly, since it seems like so many people dislike him. :) I . . . have so many conflicting feelings about Show Will, it's not even funny. I think I've decided (fan wank time!) that it's not that he doesn't learn from his mistakes; it's that he learns ridiculously specific lessons from his mistakes. For example, I don't think he will ever again inappropriately cast himself in a high school production of the Rocky Horror Show in order to get close to Emma. If the production is of Phantom of the Opera, though? All bets are off. :D


ellydash November 16 2010, 05:54:50 UTC
Hee, I think you're dead on!


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