I'm Blue...so Blue...

Feb 05, 2010 23:13

I mentioned some family stuff that's going on in my dream post....

Well, we just found out this week that a close relative of mine has cancer.

Add a little red and make violet; it's the colour I prefer.... )

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lennonsmuse February 6 2010, 13:04:27 UTC
Thanks, Luv. No...life certainly has not been kind to either of us, or to many other folks I know. It seems like practically everyone is going through, or has recently suffered through some traumatic event that either involves a loved one or family member. It's crazy as fuck. Certainly gives you more people to commiserate with though, doesn't it? Seems to be the only positive...that someone's always able to relate to a bit of what you're going through.

And yes, it is a consolation that you know what it's like and have relatives who are 'living' with cancer. Keyword there, you know; living...reminds us that it does happen. People can live with it. I just hope that's the case for her. She's so terrified right now (didn't help that some stupid as fuck lab tech came into her room and said, "Oh, that's the kind Patrick Swayze died from, isn't it?"...and that dumb cunt had best count her fuckin' blessings that I wasn't in the room when she said it, but was told a bit later and then went out to look for her...didn't find the bitch, goddamn it) and it's still such a shock. She has children and grandbabies that she doesn't want to leave behind, y'know. She's just 44 years old and it would be lovely if she got the chance to see those GB's grow up a bit more.

But yes, we'll be fighting with her. I've been there since she was born...no reason I can't continue being there now. Just hope I can hold up mentally and emotionally. I'm determined to do it for her sake though...and whenever I'm determined to do something, I can be pretty damn stubborn. lol.

Thanks for the offer to talk. I may definitely need to take you up on that. I have a YIM password someplace. lol. You see how good I am at organising and handling my things? :) I'll dig it up though...or create another one. I used to actually like chatting on YIM. Thanks for the email addy, too. You'll probably be hearing from me...when I can manage to keep me head on straight.

*hugs you back*...thanks for those hugs.

Chin up to you as well, Dear...whatever you're going through. The good fight is the only one worth fighting, isn't it? Thanks for your words of understanding and offers of your time. It's all very much appreciated. More than you know.


vyrantium February 6 2010, 15:40:03 UTC
It really does seem like a lot of bad things are happening to good people these days... makes you wonder what the world is coming to, you know? One of my closest friends from high school just had a scare with her little one year old (my goddaughter) when she started having seizures... had to take her in for an EKG to be sure there was nothing seriously wrong, but thankfully it came back clean. It just makes you think how fragile life is... makes you want to appreciate what you have while you have it even more.

And yes, it is a consolation that you know what it's like and have relatives who are 'living' with cancer. Keyword there, you know; living...reminds us that it does happen. People can live with it. I just hope that's the case for her.

I hope so too... I really do. 44 is way too young to have to deal with that kind of illness. I was completely shocked when my mom went downhill with her illnesses, and she was quite a bit older than that... I can't imagine being 44 and finding out you have cancer, but then again there are people my age living with it. Unfortunately cancer doesn't discriminate :/

But you're absolutely right... people CAN live with it, it's just an uphill battle. Having someone there that she can lean on will help so much though... I think that's the reason my grandpa is still around, and he's in his mid to late 80's with cancer... he has his wife who loves and supports him. I think that makes all the difference. The same goes with my uncle, who's only in his late 40's/early 50's... he's living with leukemia and is beating the odds, but again he has that support system to lean on that seems to help.

I would say that I wished you would have caught that bitch, but you probably would have went to jail and... well, that wouldn't have helped anyone :P I'm sure it would have felt good at the time though. I'll be honest, that was the first thing that went through my head when I saw pancreatic cancer too... but I'd never SAY that to someone who just found out, that's completely insensitive and demoralizing. Just because Patrick Swayze couldn't beat it doesn't mean other people haven't, you know? People just focus on the negatives. It's easy to do, but all it does is drag people down. It's a lot healthier to focus on the positives and what we can do as friends and family members to boost morale and help them along. I think so much of someone's ability to beat a disease is directly related to their attitude and their willingness to fight... my mom was defeated and gave up long before she died, even when I tried to get her to talk positively. That's a big part of what did it I think. Keeping someone positive is incredibly important, and I'm sure your niece will appreciate having you there in any capacity you can be there.

Thanks for the offer to talk. I may definitely need to take you up on that. I have a YIM password someplace. lol. You see how good I am at organising and handling my things? :) I'll dig it up though...or create another one.

No worries... I couldn't even remember my own screen name the last time I logged in. I had to ask my friend who still had me on their buddy list :P I used to get on there to chat every night, sometimes until 8 or 9 in the morning... I always manage to find people in different time zones than me, I swear.

And you're welcome :) I know how it is to feel mentally and emotionally broken down, believe me... especially these days. Even if you don't want to talk about what's going on, sometimes it just helps to chat about something else to take your mind off of things... like good music, works in progress, and hot John/Paul lovin' ;) I know the latter always cheers me up... that's why I practically LIVE at JHP, lol.

*hugs you back*...thanks for those hugs.

*sends more hugs* :) You're welcome... even if they're e-hugs, they usually cheer me up a bit.

The good fight is the only one worth fighting, isn't it?

Absolutely. It's times like these I realize it must be easier to believe in some sort of God or have religious faith, but really... if there is a God, I'm not sure I'd want to meet him. Anyone who lets good people suffer and at such a young age... lets wars happen and starvation to claim so many lives... not my kind of chap, I reckon.


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