I’d like to devote this post to my new credit card idea. Why not to get one of
instant approval credit cards? Almost all of my friends have it. They say that it is quite a new trend.
Now I realise that in order to get it I won’t need to wait long hours for my credit card application status and for the card itself. I hate tiresome and stressful waiting! I’d save my time for more pleasant things. :)
Let’s take it as an advantage because instant approval makes the process much easier. While applying online I will have an opportunity to find out if I am eligible to get a desired card or not.
It sounds like a fairy tale, doesn’t it? Of course there are some limits. Well, my credit history should be taken into account. More than that, I should learn my credit score before applying in earnest because I know that not every consumer qualifies for instant approval.
I think it is worth trying. It makes me wonder if I qualify or not. I will use my credit chance and then tell you how it will go, ok?