37 Weeks

Aug 04, 2008 09:15

Phew!  37 weeks along and baby is officially full term!  Of course, now that I'm here, baby seems content to hang out so we could be traveling companions for awhile yet.  Each day is a new surprise.

On the writing front, I haven't been sitting at the computer very often.  I am simmering a new version of an old story that I would like to freewrite journal-style, but I'm not sure how much handwriting I can accomplish these days with the neuropathy.  I used to write three massive journal pages a day stream-of-consciousness.  Now my hand fatigues after a paragraph or two.  We'll see.

My past two projects have focused on plot, using a solid structure for grounding.  This time I want to focus on character (the joy of my young writing days) where I deliberately do not know where the story will end up, but the interplay of character takes centerstage.

Writing is about fun these days, after all.  With the economy on shaky ground, it seems that the publishing industry is feeling the pinch along with everyone else.  The idea of writing a formula story with business-like intentions sounds frustrating given the slump.

Further adventures.  Even as I try to get Dirt to stand up out of the slush piles of the world, stand up and proclaim, I am worthy!  I am so in love with the creative process, I am easily distracted from selling my work.  Go, Dirt, go! 

writing, baby, dirt

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