Time goes by way to quickly! It's already Wednesday night and I still have a lot of things to do for school tomorrow. X_X Wish me luck.
Work was alright today. I had to go to a meeting in Phoenix today about check fraud. Didn't really learn all that much. I already knew a lot of what she was talking about. She handed a bunch of checks out and I already knew right off the bat what was wrong with each of them. It was a waste of time for me. They only things I really learned was how to finally read the fraction on checks. I also learned that no where is there anything in the banking registery laws that says if you initial next to an alteration on a check that it makes it all better. I was really shocked by this because so many people do this and I always thought it was okay.
I was supose to ride with some of my friends at work today, but I had to give a ride to a girl at an other store because her manager asked if I could. She was nice, but it was weird because I had never met her before so we didn't have much to talk to her about. Other then how she likes working at her store. The girls called and made fun of her to when I was driving call her my girlfried. X_X If they only knew! lol
I skipped school yesterday. I wasn't really feeling that well. I couldn't go to sleep the night before I was altra tired all day long at work and knew if I went to school I would fall alseep. I don't think I missed much, but still I think my Art teacher is going to have a cow. I might just end up dropping that class if she keeps being stupid. I like the class, but it's not the great of a class. It's making me rethink if I want to be an art teacher or not. Right now I'm just going to concentrate on getting my Associate of the Arts Degree and worry about what I want to be later. I already looked into it and I should be at ASU by Spring 2008. Well I hope so!