Thank you so much for signing up to write a story for me! :) I ramble a lot in this letter, so I want to stress that all of this is completely optional. Everything I say about a fandom or character is one of many possible interpretations, and I'm always ready to approach my fandom from a new angle. (Last year I didn't manage to write a letter at all, and I hope this thing is more helpful than nothing, even though it is seriously too long.)
I am easy to please, at least where these fandoms are concerned. Because I love these worlds and characters so much, everything I get to read about them makes me happy. I mentioned that in my request, and I mean it. So - never worry, and have fun!
General fic preferences: I like het, slash, femslash and gen in all variations.
While filling out the submit form for Yuletide I noticed that all of them in some way or other were about relationships. That's characteristic for me. An interesting plot can take me in, too, and so can a beautiful writing style, but in the end it's all about the characters for me, and the ways they interact with each other.
As for things I don't particularly like, there are few: mpreg, jealousy sold to the reader as a sign of love and massive fluff, like the excessive use of endearments and sugar covered wedding ceremonies. Bashing of female love interests or exes in slash. Oh, and arbitrary conflicts between characters, used as plot devices.
I do like: moresomes, lots of bisexual characters and a bit of irony in the face of desaster. Solving said arbitrary problems by talking about them. And I don't mind fights, blood and sex at all. (Meaning all of this can be explicit, if you want it to, but it doesn't have to be.)
I tend to prefer relatively happy fic to angsty stuff; it is, however, mostly the ending that counts, so if there is lots of angst with a happy ending, like in hurt/comfort fic, that's very much okay with me. And some characters call for the angst, so... *looks at Pete* ;)
Fandom: Captain Britain and MI13
consists of: 6 comic issues (#7 comes out tomorrow)
This is the fandom where you can do no wrong. If you write it for me, I will love you forever.
I love this comic for its weird scenario, the rather eclectic mix of celtic mythology, superheroes and - britishness. (It has a lot in common with Doctor Who, including a writer.) It made me read more than a hundred issues of older comics to learn about some characters' backstory, only to come back to this new comic and love it even more than before - because it allows each character a fresh start. (Which is why you absolutely don't need to know any of the older comics if you write this for me!) These people actually like doing what they do, even if it's hard sometimes and their reasons are very different. They want to be on this team. There is no senseless quarrel or random communication misstep that leads to a war. That's not to say that there's no potential for conflict - there is, and that's good. But even though the members of MI13 make serious mistakes somtimes, in the end, I believe, they would stand up for each other.
About the characters I requested:
Faiza, I think, is a wonderful new addition to the Marvel universe. She's bright, skilled, courageous and - a fangirl. 'Superheroes are cool! Oh, I'm a superhero. Scary! But - huge!' I love everything about her, including her family, and I want to know more.
Pete... Pete is one of my favourite characters ever. He has this way of dealing with the mistakes he made and the bad things that happened to him - he moves on, because there are things to do, but he never really lets go; what's important to him at one point stays important. But he learned a lot over the (comic-) years. I like characters who suffer, and learn, and cope. And now he takes on responsiblity for a team.
Brian looks like a British Steve Rogers, but he isn't. His connection to his country is different, more mystical, yet less stable. You can feel that he's European. European, patriotic, otherworldly, human - there's a lot of potential in these pieces of identity.
I contemplated asking for 'any character' in this fandom, but decided to stick to these three (and two requests) because I'm a bit less interested in Blade and Jac. Nevertheless, you can include as many team members as you like, or you can just write about one requested character - everything is wonderful.
Fandom: Ms. Marvel (2006 comic)
consists of: 32 comic issues
This is the comic that surprised me. I read the Secret Invasion issues first and was quite impressed by this ferocious fighter, this woman who while defending her world against an invasion came to understand that she was really a warrior above everything else, and that the things she had been worrying about, like being pretty and well-liked, and having a nice relationship, felt small and unreal in the face of battle. She was a Goddess of War.
After that I started to read the whole series. The first twenty issues weren't exactly bad, but a bit boring. There was so much potential hidden underneath the surface, for the comic, and for Carol as a character, with all her contradictions. When Carol met Cru for the second time, the potential finally awoke, and the comic became all about these hidden conflicts in Carol's identity that I had perceived before.
So, Carol is the center of my request. Agent Sum is one of these characters I'm always interested in: A soldier, loyal, controlled, competent and with a hidden side. With a huge hidden side, in his case. I wonder what he sees in Carol that inspires him.
With Carol and Cru I have to admit that a huge part of what interests me is the sexyness. Two women warriors of different origins, both so pretty, their relationship so ambivalent. I'd be thrilled to see some UST and/or sex between them. Still, as I said in my request, there are lots of other possiblities to discover.
Lastly, if you want to let all three of them meet, please do so! The thought alone makes me shiver with delight.
Fandom: Reign of Fire
consists of: one movie
What I like about this movie is mostly the post-apocalyptic scenario and atmosphere - and the tension between Quinn and Van Zan, between their chosen lifestyles and their personalities. Everything in this movie is very physical: the fear of the dragons, the cramped life in the keep, the destroyed city and the opposition between these two men who challenge each other's habits. I have seldom seen a movie with so much electricity in the air between two people.
Sadly, no one seemed to agree with my perception. Thus, no fic.
I have not seen the movie for some time now, hence the relative shortness of this paragraph. But that doesn't mean this request means less to me than the others. I requested it last year, and in another request community, to no avail. That I request it again means that I could not forget about it despite not watching the movie again. So, if you fill this request, with or without slash, you will have my deepest gratitude.
Finally I'd like to say again - I hope you have lots of fun with your assignment, and that you enjoy your fic as much as I will enjoy it. If my original request gave you an idea, don't let my rambling confuse you. Write what you like. I will share your joy. :D