4 months wasted

Feb 11, 2011 21:23

Ah really, the longest holidays of my life at coming to an end soon. It's already February 11th.

I have a whole post-hsc bucket list that I haven't even done half of! DX There's so many things I wanted to do! How did 4 months waste away so easily!?!? LOL!

On the plus side, tomorrow we get our timetables for Semester 1. FINALLY. LOL! I wish we were allowed to change classes ):

Also tomorrow is Andrew and Lian's 1 year anniversary! Yay! They have the cutest story ever. As in, the guy chasing after the girl for a million years and his friends say he'll never get her. Then he does get her, by showering her with lots of roses with a cute message. Then they both go into the same University both in their dream courses. Yeah. Cutest story ever.

Anyways my laptop died recently, and for some reason I don't post on my LJ on my computer much. LOL! But my computer has been acting up recently too. Technology is hating on my right now. WHY!? Is it because I'm in love with my Galaxy S and use it for everything now? ): LOL! I love my phone so much. Seriously. I can't believe I've only had it for a month. Not even a month yet. But yeah. GOSH I LOVE YOU GALAXY S <3


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