it's Rookie taking on James Dean ooorrr FRY!
either either, i had both in mind wheni was drawing (being James dean in rebel without a cause that is, and fry from futurama), both have the same themed clothes, i reckon it's so cute. really makes me love Fry more, but i-i dont know who i like better, Zapp Brannigan or FRYYYY. but seriously, zapp is genius, i love everything he says.
and for the sake of getting it down before i forgot Hilton=Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy
research into characters is hard. It makes more sence for hilton to have a degenerative muscular illness then a terminal one- emery-dreifuss has an early-teen onset (or childhood) it get to arms/shoulders and shins, join deformaties are common and the progress is slow, sence being hilton exersizes obsessivly, wont let the illness get worse by sitting still or being bed-ridden. I don't know if this one suits Hilton perfectly, and i always feel bad tyring to match a character with an illness becuase i can't get it wrong else face ignorance on my part.
have a good night~