sucks the big one. I hate writing essays. someone write if for me even
though its due tomorrow. I love how much I slack off and dont really
care. ALSO: My heath ed teacher is retarded, she cant figure out
how to readd me to the class and the people in the office are just as
retarded because they didnt even try to stop the drop when I called two
days before I was even dropped. I should probably tell my mom and take
the stupid class next semester. grrrr. What in the heck.
And, chinese new year is comming up next week and I dont even know if I
am going to go this year because unless a certain person can go I dont
want to. Selfish? No. I just dont really want to see my Dad and be in a
room alone with him, because then we might talk and i will get angry
and aggrivated and try to strangle him with my tiny hands. =)
I work at Big5 now, yay. I think i'll get two jobs and be cool. I
know people love when I get a job because I buy them things all the
time. I'm a pure sugar mama when I really shouldn't be. My goal is to
save for school... in other worlds, my goal is to save for school but I
won't because im lazy, i like to spend money, and ... I don't know,
i'll think of more stuff later.
Wow...This is like a real update which is way uncommen because it does
take time and effort, but I would much rather do this. I haven't even
bothered to open my book yet.
Ok, and, last night Mike came over and hung out with me. He got annoyed
at spelling errors in my sophmore year slam book as he grazed the pages
continuously telling me to get a pen. screw that. We also went over
memories and I made him remember weird things that I have cornered in
the back of my mind that he brought foward. He remembers too. Though it
wasn't that long ago, I am sure you all remember "THE fight" in the
quad after finals. He says "God i'm happy I wasnt there for that." with
his eyes wider than ever.
I'm in the writing ood tonight as you can tell. If you have read this
far, good for you. I believe you might just be as bored as I.
I also ran across an old band site and it made me laugh at all the
pictures of people I am friends with now that I didn't know then. They
had nicknames and looked way young. One of the many great things in
life, which is kind of sad seeing as how there are more bad things and
this is listed under great.
My mom hates this picture. I had to explain that we took it 3 years ago
but she still freaked out. I dont think its a big deal but I guess she
thinks it inplies something, and maybe it does. This is what I would
possibly have said was THE FUTURE TO COME. Today is the furutre. No it
hasn't happened with him, that would be weird, but...yup. I believe
Angela took this cute little shot.
Thats it. Thats what she got mad at...
She thought that was recent, look at my hair... no it is not.
Other fun times
A7X show at the pound. Sweaty sweaty night.
I cant remember but I think my sister was pushing me or something and Kirill took the picture. Look no love handles yet.
Disney Land yay!
The tit and me.
Sometime at school.
I got to ride in Matt's car. Im the lucky one.
The night Evan took that wonderful picture of his butt on my camera.
I finally got a picture without Adam in the entire frame.
We locked Sara out of Caitlin's car but she made it in through the back window.
The lunchtime picnic in the park.