I fail at layouts and html but i suppose i'll learn - onward!

Jun 17, 2007 19:57

Even though I've yet to delve into how the heck to use html and make a good layout and all that good stuff, I'm rather please with myself with finally buckling down and making a LJ! I still wish some certain friends I know who know how to work layouts would help me. ;A;

But anyway --

I've been reading all these live journal posts about Ichigo and Rukia and that's basically what motivated me to finally start my own live journal cycle here. Although I'll probably write mostly about IchiRuki rather than my own life -shrugs- IchiRuki has become my life at the moment so it balances out!

The past few chapters of bleach that have been coming out have been so full of supressed emotions and symbolic references to inner character's inner divergences, it's sometimes so hard to follow and pick up on it all! There's so much of it! I read these posts by all these intelligent, crafty, perceptive and strong minded people and I think to myself - "Man, I wish I had the materials and the ability to access such back up and facts like they do".

I have opinions and information and such that I've expressed on forums before, like the Ichigo and Orihime? Or Ichigo and Rukia? That was a lot of fun, I must say. Some of the opinions that people have are simply rediculous. There were a good handful of folks who stated that their reasoning for picking Orihime and Ichigo was because their hair color was the same. In all due respect, on a level playing field of logic and reasoning, hair color stands very, very short in comparison.

In fact, it shouldn't even count in all honesty.

Though, the forum didn't give much of a rule to rediculous reasoning really so complaining won't do any good! -Shrugs- Perhaps that was their idea of a good time. If so, more power to them? :/

Regardless, I hope that I'll be able to post more and more in this journal about my oh so favorite couple at the moment. :>
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