sex in the rain . . . .

Nov 27, 2005 15:46

he everyone! catchie title huh? newayy watz up? nothin here! mann im sooo bored! this whole week has been kinda intrestin! i finaly got to hang-out with my bestess friend! andrea walker. i ♥ that gurl!

newayy so yah i finallie broke-up w/ cody! wat a fag! he has even less balls then calvin or wateva the hell that one guys name was . . . .

andrea and i went to the movies and we saw this reallie gayy ass movie!
(the corpes bride) but yah after the movie i was supposed to call my dad so he could come pick us up right? well guess wat? the quad doesn't have a public phone! lolz

so andrea and i went to the saginaw eight to use theirs. i ran into a couple of my friends ( katie dwyer, and hailey) so we started talkin. normal right?
wow if u just said yess u offesiallie don't know me that well!

NOTHINZ NORMAL IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!! lolz newayy so just then katie was all like:"heyy cody, look who's here!" and then i c cody dembinski! (my ex)even though i might be a bitch sometimes, i was gonna atleast sayy hi or something. so andrea and i look back at katie and hailey and look back and we c the movie theater door closing and two boys running away from the movie theather!

lolz (cody and his friend ben) but yah . . . . lolz i would have thought he would have atleast had the balls to say something like:
heyy, wats up kaiti?, well i g2g bye guys. u know?

but he didn't lolz hes such a loser!!!!!!
lol im sooooo glad me and him broke-up!
damn he was annoyin! i like his best friend newayy!
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