Mar 26, 2004 21:07
I figure it's time for an update on my life. For the past week or so I've been in training for my new job. The training was ungodly boring, but hey it's 40 hours which means money. Always a good thing. I'll get a check for 46 hours to last me two weeks which is pretty cool considering part time people are suppossed to get 20 hours a week. Next week I'm scheduled 29 hours and hopefully I'll get the same if not more the next week. I'm working at Home Depot but hey it's a job and one with benefits at that.
Lets see what else. Lindsay visited last weekend to go see Lost Prophets. I was suppossed to go too but it sold out before I could get a chance to buy a ticket. Oh well I want to see them but everything happens for a reason right. Hopefully I'll be able to get tickets to see Something Corporate before it sells out. Dusty was visiting as well. We bought Lindsay a birthday cake and a little stuffed frog that we're hoping might be her frog prince. Once Lindsay got here we went to see Enternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I highly recommend seeing it to anyone. The movie is amazing and Jim Carrey is great in it. I was just left thinking wow after it was over with.
On the Dusty front he freaked me out and about gave me a heart attack Tuesday. What happened was I couldn't get a hold of him for like 10 hours. The reason why it scared the hell out me was he slit his wrist Monday while he was on duty. Not a fun experience let me tell you. Especially considering how many males I've cared about that have killed themselves. He's ok though which is a really good thing.
In other news we were told that my uncle probably won't make it through the weekend so it looks like I'll be going to a funeral sometime in the near future. I hope for my aunts though that he pulls through. It's a scary thing he'll be the first one out of the siblings that made it to adulthood to die.