Feb 25, 2003 19:26
Alas dear readers i have returned from my vovages and pilgramages, and bear with me as i recount the dareing feats of do that Big Bad Lorenzo is held in esteem for.
Beauty Padgents are wierd.. (I put that extra period on purpose- Period x2) I think its a running joke of the Bak Cali to put me into situations with younger ie illigal women. Flash Back moment- One of the Miss Bako semi-finalists comes up to me to see the pic i took. I hold the camera for her and as she is looking at it she is touching my hand. Normally this is like acid for people but she keeps contact the entire roll of film. Her gentle creast reminded me of my cross country angel..(lol) There was this girl who during a race help me finished. I was feeling nasty and mucuasy toward to end of the race so i started to walk or some mess like that. All i remember is that she comes from behind me and grabs my hand and gets me to run again. She says i can do it. She says i'm almost there. She says these things to me. Her touch cleanenes my wary body, as if porpeled by her invivable, slient wings i move faster. As she turns to get ready for her race, i empty the tank and sprint like the chump i am. I never saw her again tho- i don't even know what school she went to. it would be cool to find her- my angel of cross counrty.
Lol, it fun to flesh out stories. Anyways, today i was im'ed off Kazaa today. Was weird man. This "person" rodrgues_family or something start to talk to me. They ask me what school i go to and to write back. I say you have wrong vato, sorry. They say they know and to asnwer the question. Me ready to put foot to face. Hey just take my songs and leave me alone, espically if you are creepy enough to use the family account. Yeah werido.
Turned in eassy for Hernandez today- spent all this time on it right and even invested some monteray funds to tina so i can get a good grade on it. This girl looks at and say- You do know there a lot of typos in here don't you" I know i should keep a baseball bat in my backpack. Maybe she thinks she was being nice...sure...sure
I WANT ICE CREAM. But me watching what i eat...still i'm running tomarrow becuase i'm not longer sore from beer ball..who knows...might eat a granola bar..doubt it tho..DRUMSTICK IS CALLING ME...its says in a deep sultry feminine voice, "you know you want me- you want to consume me." AND I DO...sigh, sad how ice cream is getting sexy on me...
Yeah tanget, me no care. I'm going to put away my food i made and see about dessert..