Wed, 17:27: @ louisalarios Hi.. You're here now, too. Hehe, we were following each other na pala on the @ TheLisaEArmy's account. I just didn't recognize
Wed, 17:28: @ louisalarios that it was you before. Hehe, weird since both of us were using our real names here. Haha
Wed, 17:36: Lurking in here for atleast 15 minutes more since the computer stations at the pantry at work during my break won't allow me to open FB. :(
Wed, 23:17: RT @ Megan_LEfan: Lisa Edelstein will be back on TV Monday nights in the fall and there's a collective happy sigh.
Wed, 23:19: Good Thursday morning, #Huddy land. A good morning, indeed seeing as I can see we have great news that Lisa Edelstein will be joining CASTLE
Wed, 23:32: RT @ TheLisaEArmy: OMG, would you believe that we're so excited as early as now to see you on CASTLE with Stana, @ LisaEdelstein? Go rock our…
Wed, 23:49: RT @ _rhubarb: I will not, i repeat not, be able to cope with the Lisa Edelstein episodes of Castle. Fangirling to the extreme already!!! <3
Wed, 23:51: And WOW, I see that Lisa Edelstein on now trending on yahoo because of this CASTLE announcement - How SWEET!! #Yay
Wed, 23:54: Also, did I mention that I'm actually supposed to be sleeping as of this time after being back in the dorm from work? Now, I'm wide awake.
Thu, 00:15: Okies, time to really sleep for me since I can now feel the effect of the sleeping aid that I took. Will be having happy dreams for sure. ;)