Hello-hello, my dears)))
eahh)) new art from me)) hhhehehe)) finally))
i start to write an magic au fic where John is Healer and Sherlock is Necromancer ^___^
and well)) still chaging a plot)) but i wanted to draw the room I described in chap 2 and spent about 2 days on it)) and well))) i think i'll never color it - too ditailed for my test to color))^__^
wonderful Kiterie helped me to translate the title - You are Ashes, I am Ashes (Ты - пепел, я - пепел, меня на него вдохновила песня Пепел группы Флер, шикарная песня)
i have 3 chap alreday written but damn it!! still rewritting them.. arghh!! )))
so no more talking here is the art))
i'm very happy with it)) and damn finally i dressed John in stylish clothes)) wanted to do that for a long time))
and i had to throw walls in perspective but look at all the ditails ^__^ and necro pics at walls and stuff))
have fun, dears))