I'm a bad LJ friend.

Jul 01, 2008 21:43

I have realized that I absolutely suck at LJ-ing. If you hadn't noticed. My last post = FIVE WEEKS AGO. Right. Yeah, I suck.

Anyway, guess who's an official high school graduate? YEAH ME. Wooo-hoo! I'm so excited.

Okay wait. I lied. I'm not really that excited. As a matter of fact, I really wasn't excited at all. I was really nervous about walking across the stage in my heels and falling on my face -- but other than that, not excited at all. I was talking to Silv and I guess I figure it was jus another stage of life. And in September, I'll go to college and everything will go back to normal, only I'll be older, and more sophisticated. And all my friends will be gone. Great. Graduating was a blast. *eyeroll*

I hope that now that the hectic life of a graduating senior is over, I will have more time to LJ. Hell, it' my HOMEPAGE. And every time I open Internet Explorer I jus go right on past it to MySpace or Yahoo! or Google or something. (Yes, I know. Lena = teh suckage.) Tonight I opened it and I was like, "Right. Time to go update that."

SO because I feel absolutely awful about not updating, here's a meme! Right? Is that what it is? That's what Silv calls them so I'm jus following her lead without really knowing what the hell I'm doing. I filled it out awhile ago when I was bored but then I never posted it. I got it from

that_september-- Silv. Here you go!

1) Using band names (AND MUSICIANS), spell out your name.

L ionel Richie
E nya

N ickelback

A my Winehouse (cause despite the drugs she’s awesome)

2) Have you ever had a song written about you?
Joseph did once but I doubt either of us remember.

3) What song makes you cry?
A few. That one by the Dixie Chicks - “Traveling Soldier”? And “You’re Somebody’s Hero,” and the stupid Graduation Song by Vitamin C.

4) What song makes you happy?
Oh lots. I like upbeat stuff, so pretty much everything. Like “4 Minutes” by Madonna and anything with those kind of beats. I like music for its beat, not its lyrics or performer.

5) What do you like to listen to before bed?
Mostly stuff with no lyrics, you know? Like Enya or Asian Relaxation, which sounds funny but is actually an amazing album.

a p p e a r a n c e
HEIGHT: approximately 5’11’’
HAIR COLOR: dark brownish/reddish/blackish crazy stuff
SKIN COLOR:  brownnn. =]
EYE COLOR: also brown, but it’s lightening up.
PIERCINGS: jus two in my ears, two in each.
TATTOOS: yeahhhh maybe but probably not because I hate pain.

r i g h t - n o w
SONG ARE YOU LISTENING TO OR WATCHING: some crazy thing on a commercial
WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE?: like freakin cold I hate Mayyyy.
HOW ARE YOU?: I miss too many things and too many people.

d o - y o u
GET MOTION SICKNESS?: nope I pride myself on my ability to read in the car.
HAVE A BAD HABIT?: I have many faults. the biggest of which is being incredibly blunt.

f a v o r i t e s
TV SHOW: Criminal Minds {ultimate fav}, CSI {and CSI:NY}, Montel {cause he’s the man}, Ghost Whisperer, Moonlight, Grey’s Anatomy {YES I like it lemme alone}, ER…yeah….loveee lol
MAGAZINE: don’t really have one, actually. I read books. XD
SODA: pepsi and gingerale are the bomb.
THING TO DO ON THE WEEKEND: sleeeeeep and reeeeaaaddddd.

h a v e - y o u
BROKEN THE LAW: no. lol not really. I have jaywalked, and I have had things to drink that contained alcohol but it was in the presence of my mother, so I don’t think that counts.
RAN AWAY FROM HOME: yep on my bike I believe. too bad I was only about a mile away when I got driven back home. 
SNUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE: eh probably at some point.
EVER GONE SKINNY DIPPING: aha uh, sure, in the tub....
MADE A PRANK PHONE CALL: aahah yeah to some friends.
USED YOUR PARENTS' CREDIT CARD BEFORE: yeah for gas but they knew.
SKIPPED SCHOOL BEFORE: ah I skip school on legal terms. like being sick and incapacitated (even though it may be faking…)
FELL ASLEEP IN THE SHOWER/BATH: yes. and lemme tell you, it hurts. I have one of those showers with a door on it, and I fell OUT of the door and hit my knee on the radiator. it was BS, man.
BEEN IN A SCHOOL PLAY: nope. but that’s okay because I’m a treasurer of the drama club and I help with tickets and backstage. I love being a stage manager. ^^
LET A FRIEND CRY ON YOUR SHOULDER: yeahh after I’ve reamed them out about being dumb I suppose it’s only fair for me to do that.
EVER HAD A MAJOR REGRET: of course. but nobody has time machines.

l o v e
BOYFRIEND: I have better than a boyfriend; lena = engaged<3
GIRLFRIEND: oh of course, a few. {smirk}
CHILDREN: nope not yet {unless you count my kitty, Shadow}
BEEN IN LOVE?: twice.
HAD A HARD TIME GETTING OVER SOMEONE: ehh yeahh but that’s in the past.
BEEN HURT?: also in the past.
YOUR GREATEST REGRET?: being stubborn and hasty and close-minded.
GONE OUT WITH A SOMEONE YOU ONLY KNEW FOR 3 DAYS: well, as a matter of fact he happens to be the one I’m engaged to ahaha.

r a n d o m
DO YOU HAVE A JOB: yeahhhhhhh
YOUR CD PLAYER HAS IN IT RIGHT NOW: ahahaha that’s funny.
IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE?: that really pretty, like, ocean-water-on-the-beach-that-you-jus-wanna-go-in blue, it’s like cerulean *sigh*
WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?:  music, books, hanging out…not having homework…photoshop{<3}, etc
WHO MAKES YOU THE HAPPIEST?: my love, and my best friends.
WHAT'S THE NEXT CD YOU'RE GONNA GET?: I don’t do cds lol
WHO DO YOU CONSIDER GOOD FRIENDS?: there’s a difference between good friend and best friend. my best friend is Silv, we’ve established that. my good friends include SJ, Zef, Shadow, Evaluff, Brie, all people nobody knows lol

w h e n / w h a t - w a s - t h e - l a s t
TIME YOU CRIED?: stupid senior solo concertttttt.
YOU GOT A REAL LETTER?: ahaha can't remember when but I know it was from Shelly.
YOU GOT E-MAIL: probably within the last minute.

y o u r - t h o u g h t s - o n
ABORTION: it’s not a woman’s right. people who say abortion isn’t murder because it’s not a baby are retarded, sorry. if it’s not a baby, you aren’t pregnant, so get over it. there are plenty of people who love children and would love to have one, no need for you to kill it. it didn’t ask to be brought into this obviously hateful world.
TEENAGE SMOKING: smoking in general needs to be fined. there are much, MUCH cooler ways to kill yourself slowly than through smoking. and people who say smoking is a vice that should be allowed, you obviously don’t realize that it does a lot of crap to your body that you won't appreciate by the time you’re like, seventy. and besides THAT, it’s YOUR vice, but it effects everyone around you, so thanks for killing off innocent bystanders while you enjoy your -vice-. *gets off soapbox*
SPICE GIRLS:  ….idiots.
SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE: well. that's an issue. but I think if you’re prepared to make a commitment, who cares? hell, you wait to have sex until you get married, but then if you get a divorce its not like you haven’t already had sex if you want to get married again.
GEORGE BUSH: I don’t think he understands what he’s doing. and let’s jus say, that if McCain gets into office, I may jus shoot myself or leave the country or both.
DOWNLOADING MUSIC ILLEGALLY: yeahh uh I download my music SOMETIMES through limewire and sometimes through iTunes. I think it’s stupid that music recording companies and artists are nickel-and-diming everybody to death about a song that would cost $.99. give me a break. not like you aren’t rich enough already.

Yeah. So I spent the night with Silv and her friend, Alicia on Sunday after Silv's grad party. Let me tell you. NO SLEEEEEEP. I am still trying to recover from THAT. And I have to work. Three days in a row. I worked Monday, today, and TOMORROW I have to unload an inventory truck. Then I have to drive my grandmother and myself down to Pennsylvania for a week. *sigh* Dayum. I'm gonna die, yes.

Anyway, there's your update, sorry I suck at being your LJ friend. Feel free to delete me lol

Later! (Hopefully sooner rather than...)


graduation, failure, meme, lj friend

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