It is...approximately 7:20 in the morning and I have decided that I HATE school.
It is SO boring. I went to the college I'm attending last night for my placement tests and while I was there I realized exactly how much I TRULY would like to be there instead at high school. Ugh.
Anyway, time for above mentioned punishment. I'll be back later.
So I have also decided that I want to do absolutely everything in life. Is that weird? I want to do everything and see everything and have everything. I want to go to foreign countries and speak another language and make a difference. Yay for big dreams but also for having the will power and strength to make them come true, right?
I wish things were easier. I wish you could wave a wand and everything would jus fall into place like it should. I wish I could know that when I grow up and have a family of my own that I will be able to provide for them better than I was provided for. I thought about all this in school today, as I was walking down the hallway listening to kids talk about their friends and their families.
I had tight-knit friends like that once. Now I am in this school system that I can honestly say I loathe and simply because it's senior year I am dragging my arse. My grades are fine, but not because of any effort I've made. I'm tired all the time, I jus had a crazy-weird health scare, and my classes are pointless. I hate it.
I hate it. I want to be bigger than I am. {sigh}
In any case, onto some happier news, yeah?
that_september has already seen most of my graphics and wallpapers and stuff, but you guys haven't, so here we go. I tried to do this yesserday but Internet Explorer is RETARDED {cough} and it deleted my post. If the image is too big, uh, someone lemme know how to do that thing where it's small until you click on it and then it opens in a new window. I like that, but I dunno how to do it. Anyway, without further ado, another example!!111one!
It looks better as a wallpaper so if anyone wants the bigger one feel free to ask and I'll send it. I usually don't do that, but because I'm a strict Anti-Right Click Advocate, I'd rather you jus ask for the picture. =] Kthnxbai.