must construct additional pylons

Aug 04, 2010 13:45

Sorry for all the SC2 talk, but I like rambling to myself. :D And I'm trying to get better, and that usually involves me repeating what I need to know/memorize and analyzing WHY one should memorize these things. If only I could apply this kind of concentrated and motivated thinking to course work.... "orz I like to go by the "work hard play hard" thing, but its more like work hard, play hard, and bs things when you can. XD

Anyways last night I got to spectate some people play protoss, and had some friends spectate with me so they can comment on what is good and what is bad, and answer whatever questions I had along the way. It was pretty fun and I got to see how toss SHOULD be played LOL (and how it shouldn't be played, since Richard got roflstomped by very hard AI - then again he normally plays terran and toss is his weakest). Oh yeah, I also learned about warpgates and saw them in action, in fact one of the games was won by the toss player because of a well place pylon + constantly warped in units. (well they didn't flat out win there, but they certainly put their opponent behind... a lot - later on he just could not catch up)

So I'm slowly getting the hang of hotkeys, listening to day9's advice on NOT clicking around (hurr dicking around) and actually spending a few seconds to figure out what the bind is and to actually hit that key. I JUST noticed that people put a builder/scout in its own control group... why didn't I think of that? "orz I knew something seemed off when I wanted to build something and I would have to pick a random probe from the mineral patch lololo. So I'm still fumbling about and messing up binds BUT I'M GETTING THERE!!

I've asked quite a lot lately about the specifics of early game (probe count, expansions, warpgates, zealot rushes, when to tech, etc) so now I'm going to have to explore mid game units.. :3 (I like void rays!)

Oh yeah day9 also said you could get high rankings if you just macro well + good timing o_o you don't need amazing micro unless you want to be top of the top... wonder if thats true... then again I am mediocre at both right now hurr....
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