(no subject)

Jun 27, 2010 01:22

man, gaia is filled with middle/high schoolers now.. its really annoying. especially how some of them type lol... i don't mind the heart spam and the over-use of asian smilies like *u* and stuff... but jesus, some people need to cut down on the caps and ~~~ spam. :| and the ATTITUDES. i don't need to be putting up with bitchy teens. i really hope the REAL WORLD smacks them upside the head - and HARD.

but yeah, theres some dramas and stuff on there now, which is lol because they typically go down like highschool drama. /eyeroll

calm down kids~ (i feel old)

oh yeah they get offended so easy its not even funny (lol jk, its hilarious). you can offer constructive crit and they'll start crying. apparently everything has to be OOH THIS LOOKS AMAZING or else you're a bully or something ffs. they need to go post on CA and get bombarded with crits or something...but WAIT that just means they'll retaliate like rikaflare on DA LOLOLO.
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