Title: The Right to Love
Spoilers: Takes place after ep 101 (8x09) after Pepa and Silvia have become engaged. This is a sequel to my previous PepSi fanfic,
In Love’s Defense. My fic follows LHDP up to ep 101 but departs from the show at that point - ep 104 never has and never will exist in this version of Pepa and Silvia’s world.
Rating: PG-13. I’m
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I think this chapter is so beautifully written.. Especially loved how you described Silvia's pain.. How she can feel Pepa's pain.. How she struggled to wake up and finally Silvia waking up to Pepa's laugh.. That is like the best thing for anyone to wake up to..
I was working in intensive care and I am impressed how accurate the medical side of things are.. All the wires and tubes attached are exactly what my patients have everyday.. Although most folks in the intensive care are not as lucky as Silvia.. And there are little medical side of things that are not 100% but I dont think anyone would mind.. All that matters is Silvia is back to life and it is so beautifully written!
Well, off I go to read the next chapters! I am so in love with your writing!!
Thanks for the lovely comments on the updates! So sorry I didn't reply sooner since I was on vacation. I had to somehow write in that Silvia woke up when she heard Pepa laughing - after all, that was her request, that she hear Pepa's laugh in she was in a coma.
Thanks for the feedback on the medical side. Wow, you so such a great service to others by working in intensive care in your job! Bravo! I know I'm fudging things a bit since I know most patients aren't that lucky as I make Silvia out to be. But I had to do it, for the sappy, romantic side of me! :D
Don't get me wrong.. I certainly have patients who left intensive care and back to their normal life.. So it is perfectly normal.. And definitely romantic too.. Can't wait for your next update, but no pressure! ;-)
How did your vacation go? You said you went to Xena convention? How was it?
Trying to work on the next update, but I'm a bit stuck since writing action sequences is not my favorite since it's so difficult! Got excited starting to do a bit of research for my next long PepSi fic - I wasn't even planning to write one until a few weeks ago when the idea hit me and now won't leave me alone! :D
The Xena con was fun times and laughter with good friends. They're my second family! An awesome time, as always!
I am glad you had an awesome time! You deserve it after all your hard work! I wish I could have some fun times too.. I have a very sad life lol..
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