Title: The Right to Love
Spoilers: Takes place after ep 101 (8x09) after Pepa and Silvia have become engaged. This is a sequel to my previous PepSi fanfic,
In Love's Defense. My fic follows LHDP up to ep 101 but departs from the show at that point - ep 104 never has and never will exist in this version of Pepa and Silvia’s world.
Rating: PG-13. The
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Comments 23
I loved this chapter! Absolutely loved it! And the thought of my favorite couple in uniform is making my brains turn to mush! HOT! *drool*
Thank you LG! You are the best!
Looking forward to reading the next chapter. :D
Aww, gracias! Ya made me blush with such kind words! Yes, I'm thoroughly convinced now that if the character of Silvia had stayed, the show would still be the funny, romantic dramady we fell in love with for many more seasons, not the cancelled clusterfuck it became!
Glad you liked the chapter - was so frustrating since it took forever to write! Hopefully, things will go faster now that I'm getting my writing mojo back. Yes, I loooved writing the uniforms in - so 'effin hot!!
And yes the idea of seeing both Silvia and Pepa in uniform is delicious. This is the side to them I wish we had seen more of.
Bring on more!
Geez, the thought of PepSi in their uniforms is quite popular! Wonder why? ;p It could be all that smoldering hotness - and I confess, I've always had a weakness for women in uniform! That's why I like my cop dramas!
Love it, love it, love it! XD I'll repeat myself, THIS is what should happens on the show. Screw 104/S9!
Silvia & Pepa in uniforms...*dreamy eyes*, guh...how I wish we can see them together onscreen with that... *drool all over keyboard*
I love worrywart Silvia, she's sooo adorable! I just want to hug her in my arms and never let go ;D And how cute was nervous Pepa? No wonder Silvia couldn't resist. Their interaction was absolutely priceless, so did Pepa-DL, more, more! :D
I sense some trouble in future from Trujillo...and his insult towards Silvia, unforgivable!!!! *resisting the urge to cut him into pieces*
I'll repeat myself, THIS is what should happens on the show. Screw 104/S9!
Aww, thanks for such a lovely comment - I try my best to keep the spirit of PepSi alive. And yes, screw 104/S9!!
And I'll keep the girls in their uniforms for at least part of the next chapter - it's such a 'effing hot visual after all! More Pepa/DL interaction will come up since I love writing them, especially since it's so poorly utilized on the show these days. Also, Silvia being worried about Pepa will come back to haunt her.
And Trujillo will be a troublemaker in this story - as much as I look forward to writing it, I look forward even more to Pepa getting even with him for insulting her pelirroja! :D
Can't wait for the next part
Getting ready to write more fun times, but you know me...the fun times won't last! ;p
Lol girlechicky2k - I love how you've made us all use that word! It'll be a national tresure someday! :D
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