Title: Circles
Universe: Nolanverse
Genre: Psychological drama.
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Harvey Dent, mother
Word Count: 499
Warnings: Implied adult themes.
Summary: His mother’s lack of awareness has only gotten worse since her trip to Arkham. Harvey tries his best to help her.
Notes: Written for the Childhood challenge for
She was going to be upset with him again. Harvey cursed as he came through the door, nearly tripping over the threshold. “Mom! I’m home!”
He sighed. This was becoming more frequent with each day since her stay at Arkham. Harvey just barely took the stairs two at a time, a feat he was proud of since his growth spurt last month.
He found her in her bedroom waltzing to some big band music from one of her records. Her left arm was curled around her invisible partner’s waist, her right hand caressing the air of his cheek. The sight made Harvey pause.
“Mom,” he went over to sit down at her vanity. She didn’t even look in his direction. “Mom?” Harvey waited, his eyes studying her as the song died away.
She turned, shocked. “Oh honey! You need to warn mommy when you sneak up on her liked that!” She twirled around, humming to herself as she drifted to the bed. “Hang on love, mommy just has to change.”
She started pulling the straps of her dress over her shoulders, showing more of her cleavage. Harvey had to force himself not to stare, and instead studied the lighthouse painting on the wall behind him. His thirteenth birthday was only days behind him, and he was finding his mother’s behavior more and more disturbing. Sometimes she seemed to do it on purpose.
He cleared his throat, “Who were you dancing with tonight, Mom?”
“Hmm? Oh a young gentleman, a fine one at that! He had fiery red hair and freckles all across his nose. But don’t worry, Harvey, his looks paled compared to yours.” She ruffled his shabby blonde hair affectionately.
Harvey took that to be his cue that the view was safe. She’d changed into a black dress with large white swirls coiling up from the base. He couldn’t tell if it was supposed to be a snake or some rope, either way it was ugly. She was putting on makeup in the mirror, her lips were moving as she whispered to herself.
“Well no, I don’t think so. I think he was a terrific dancer.” She smiled brilliantly, her sky-blue eyes glinting in the dimming sunlight.
“Sorry I was late again, Mom.” Harvey whispered, half hoping she wouldn’t hear him talking.
“What was that, honey? Mommy was busy with…” she paused, her hands hovering over the makeup. “What was I doing again?”
“You were talking about the dance?”
Harvey swallowed. Not this again. “Yes, the one with the man with red hair and freckles?”
She laughed heartily. “Oh Harvey, you and your stories! You really should be a writer with an imagination like that!” Harvey scowled.
“I wasn’t lying, Mom. I was just repeating what you said!”
“Alright, Harvey. Stop this nonsense. For such a beautiful little boy you truly are a spiteful little devil, aren’t you?”
Harvey felt his face flush with anger. Sometimes he couldn’t tell if he hated her or loved her.