I haven't gotten a chance to update the word metrics in a few days. Various excuses include impromptu family get-togethers, laziness, and the weekend.
Here's today's progress on my YA other-world fantasy novel about urban explorer Shaleigh Mallett who is whisked away to the Land of the Fae. Along the way she encounters living statues, friendly minotaurs, and a backstabbing ruler. When she gets tangled up in a love story that can't possibly end well, Shaleigh finds herself forced to make difficult decisions about people she's come to truly care about.
Project: Madam Cloom's Garden
Current Word Count: 16,753
New Words Written:
7/8: 1,035
7/10: 13 (Yes, thirteen WHOLE WORDS. There was lots of revision to do, okay?)
7/11: 1,077
7/12: 1,013
7/13: 1,556
7/14: 910
Progress: Day turned to night and night turned to day. Not all daggers are magical, and faeries have a mixed reputation.
Commentary: I honestly didn't expect to put werewolves in this early, but here they are. At least it resulted in an awesome chase scene. I'm also very happy that Talek and Briar are going to be making appearances soon. I guess it's bad when you cheer for your own characters.
Next up: Difficult decisions, rude behavior, and a decision about cats.