I'm afraid a lack of sleep last night has made it difficult for me to concentrate on my current writing project. So instead, I thought I'd talk about this gem.
It's a cute piece, isn't it? I love that it's a moving sketch, as though the art is as incomplete as the characters. It's from a longer music video that's completely done in this simple yet endearing style. One of the parts I love about it is that both the guy and the girl's proportions are realistic and she's not idealized into some impossible shape like you so often see. It's simple, and yet so much emotion is conveyed even in this little snippet here.
As a writer, I also see possibilities. Here's a link to the full music video: "Thought of You" by Ryan Woodward. Go ahead and watch, I'll wait here.
Click to view
There are many different stories that could come out of this in a variety of genres, and a variety of interpretations if you look down at the comments on Youtube. Everyone relates to some aspect of this story without words. Some people come away with positive feelings, others don't.
Perhaps she's the spirit of a deceased lover.
Or she's a fairy tormenting him.
Or maybe he realizes the ideal he has about a girl he likes will never be attainable.
Or maybe she's a different life form completely
Or this is a study on life and how fleeting moments can be.
Or maybe... well you get the idea.
What do you think? A sad tale, a happy one? Any interesting story ideas come to mind? Do share, I know I already have a couple myself.