Finally shrugged off the writing slump I've been in for a bit. This bit that I've written certainly isn't the most thrilling bit of the story, but it's necessary for the plot to unfold the way I have planned. And it sets up the environment a bit more so that there's not this foggy block from one room to the next within the school. Sure, it's not necessary to give every brick a name, but there needs to be more explanation about where things are. Just glad to have gotten some writing in over lunch! =D
Summary: A ten-year-old girl named Suzie has her small, close-knit world fall apart around her. Her family just moved to the town of Leekston at the beginning of summer, and she and a boy named Fred struck up a friendship almost immediately. But something watches them from the woods, waiting to strike. As Suzie's life falls apart around her, can she solve the mystery of what's really going on in this strange rural town?
Project: Suzie's Nightmare - Draft 3
Deadline: 9/30/2011 - We'll see, deadline! We'll see!
New words written: 2,088
Present total word count: 80,947
Total Word Count for 2011: 101,260
Suzie and Fred meet up at lunch and discuss their morning adventures. Suzie describes the trash talk Kate and her friends were doing, and Fred explains in not-quite-full detail how he got his bruises and bandages. Don't worry - he'll divulge more in future chapters!