Had quite a bit of fun with this run! Lucius and Snape get summoned to the Dark Lord and are told to take out a rival Reformist Wizarding group, known as The Maligned Hand. He wants them to do it themselves, and is using it as a type of test for Lucius' guts and Severus' skill. And yes, they have to make their own army. x)
The time is before the Prophecy, and a young Lucius Malfoy is sent to explore the disappearance of a Death Eater family. When he comes across their bodies, he calls on Severus to assist him. Together they have to figure out the mystery behind the murder, and deal with the revelation of the Prophecy - and how Lucius and Narcissa's son might be involved.
Project: As the Seventh Month Dies
Lucius Big BangDeadline: September 1, 2011
New words written: 2,761
Present total word count: 20,718
Total Word Count for 2011: 52,761
And I more than made up for my dearth of writing yesterday, so I'm back to being ahead of schedule for Camp NaNo! So pleased.