This is a hell of an interesting year already

Jan 09, 2008 10:29

Okay, so fandom-wise, we've got the fourth wall utterly COLLAPSING. TV-and-movie-wise, the strike continues so we get no Golden Globes (which, honestly, I'm fine with; awards shows are generally not my thing) and we still have no new TV (booooo) and all sorts of talk shows are now proceeding sans writers, which... I haven't heard yet how that's going. And politics-wise, we've got Iowa and New Hampshire all wrapped up and, for the first time ever, neither one of the two winners in the Democratic party is a white man.

For the record, I don't like Hillary Clinton as a candidate. I adored her as first lady, for the most part, because she made people so pissed off and because she was so totally not going to sit back and serve tea and be content with that. I loved that she ran for the Senate. I loved that she won. Then she went and voted for the Iraq war (which she still refuses to apologize for; GEEZ, ADMIT YOUR MISTAKE) and hasn't done anything in the Senate to show me that she supports much of anything that I support. Solidly stodgy middle-of-the-road and apparently less liberal than Bill, who was less liberal than I wanted him to be albeit very good at pretending he had cred. I do not like stodgy middle-of-the-road. I do not like non-boat-rocking. I do not like voting for a bunch of utter shit that no Democrat in their right mind ought to have supported (DONUT HOLE MUCH?).

So she's a disappointment to me as a Democrat, and in that respect I'm a little irritated that she won the primary.

As a woman, though, I am so fucking proud that there is a woman up there, even if I disagree with her. She WON A PRIMARY. She. Her. A woman. She is up there trailblazing, and she isn't just running, she was the front-runner for forever AND she's now one of the two survivors battling it out in Political Death Match. It's a beautiful thing. I'm kind of gobsmacked over it. She won a freakin' primary. This is the closest that my gender has come to the presidency since Geraldine Ferrarro-- and as a side note, I was young enough when Ferrarro was running for VP that it really imprinted on me, early on, that a woman ought to be up there, and that there was absolutely no reason on earth she shouldn't. I'm so proud. SO PROUD.

I'm also enormously proud of my party for a) showing up to vote in such tremendous numbers in both primaries thus far and b) picking a black guy and a white gal, thus leaving the Republicans as the Old White Guy party and giving the Democratic party its first solid cred as the party-of-change in a long, long time. No matter which candidate wins (and in spite of the fact that their politics match up pretty much with all the other guys we've got), there will be a visible, obvious change happening. No matter who we end up with, we're making history this year. WE'RE GOING TO MAKE HISTORY. That utterly thrills me. As such, even with all the usual idiocies continuing in Congress (GROW. A. PAIR, people), and the last eight years' worth of stupid lurking behind everything, I'm still proud to stand up today and say I am a Democrat.

I'm one of those guys. Yeah, the ones where the shit-upon peoples of the country get to be the front-runners, and one of them will be our pick for President.

Those guys.

You better believe I'm proud.

In other policital news, I am very much amused by McCain. On the one hand, he was owed a win, since in the traditional Republican way of things he waited his turn, bit his tongue, sucked up to the guy who beat him last time (and whose campaign ran the "hey, did you know he fathered two black kids?" push-call campaign in 2000), and now is basically standing there saying MY TURN, MINE, HEY, OVER HERE. So good for him. He's basically lost all the respect I used to have for him, but he's still got the subject of torture as Token refers to as "being the last tenuous link to his soul". So, good.

Also good because I am highly amused by the Republican Establishment freaking out over Huckabee (guys, this is what happens when you cultivate that vote and give them very little back: they revolt and take over), so the McCain/Huckabee battle will be a battle, in short, over who's in charge of the Republican party: money or Jesus.

Also because Romney didn't win either state. HA. I have a serious hate on for him, because of:

1) His apparent ignorance of the entire CONCEPT of the separation of church and state (for which I also loathe Huckabee, don't get me wrong);

2) The story I've heard from credible sources in which, when a family that he knew was faced with having to abort a much-wanted baby in order to avoid the otherwise-inevitable death of the mother, he told them that they ought to save the baby and let the mother die;

3) How he once said (during his "really, I'm liberal enough to be okay as your governor!" days) that it would be a great day when gays could serve openly in the military... and when asked about that lately, he flatly stated "It will be-- but that day is not today";

4) He gets really excited re: putting more people in Guantanamo, and likewise on the subject of torture; this just freaks me out to no end.

So. A fun year.
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