Seth McFarland of Family Guy fame talks about the strike and does part of it in a Stewie voice. Another thing I did not know: FOX used to not allow animation writers to be in the WGA. ::jaw drops:: FOX. Home of much of the best animation writing on television-- The Simpsons, Futurama, and of course Family Guy even though it isn't my particular cup of tea most of the time. THE HELL? Thankfully that was remedied with a three-day strike, years back, and now the animation writers can strike with everyone else.
Not the Daily Show, With Some Writer, which I've linked to before, but STILL FUNNY. And which I mention because of:
Videoweblog: Writers Strike by the Stephen Colbert writers. It is, of course, from the POV of the corporate bigwigs. IT IS AWESOME.
The WGA Strike gets violent! A look at possible writer-on-writer violence occurring if they don't get to resolve their plot points. Essentially: give the writers what they want before they GO MENTAL.
Ask A Ninja gives the writers some tips on how to beat the AMPTP "I'm not advocating violence, i'm just saying it works and I highly suggest using it."
A cautionary look at what will happen if the strike doesn't end. "Give the writers what they want. If they want diamond-covered laptops, GIVE IT TO THEM." HELLS YES.
Battlestar Galactica fans support the WGA strike. Notable not for the fans, but for Harlan Ellison, an awesome old writer dude who has been in the guild since 1962 and knows his shit. Bonus points for mentioning
A writer speaks out, pre-strike, about why this is the time to strike. And I completely agree. The bit about Lost no longer running re-runs on the air, only on the web, is really killer; I cannot get over that this sort of thing is being done without paying the writers a goddamn thing for it. FUCK YOU, AMPTP, and GO WGA.
Rainn Wilson (a.k.a. Dwight from The Office) talks about the strike. He's not WGA, but, as he says, the writers aren't just picketing for themselves, but for the actors and the directors who are also getting screwed over from the internet and DVD deals.
A five-year-old explains the writer's strike. "Can you tell the people why Daddy is going on strike?" "Because Daddy isn't making good movies." HAHAHAHA. Apparently the child's imaginary dog Pillow is also on strike.
Writers Strike Activities: what one writer is doing to pass the time while not writing.
Hollywood Writers Strike Day 72: In which producers don't need no stinkin' writers. Ha.
And of course, what everyone else is linking:
WGA Strike: A Love Story. HAHAHAHHA.
A discussion broke out at physical therapy over the writer's strike; the receptionist and my therapist were grumpy about it and not generally pro-union until I mentioned that the writers weren't getting paid for the internet shows. Bingo, 180 turn. "What? I watch TV online all the time! They're not getting PAID for that?" I feel all helpful now.
It is 2:39 PM and we are still in the office. No move has been made to let people out at 3PM, which is the usual for pre-holiday workdays. General grumpiness is setting in. WANT GO. NOW.