Quickest Update Ever. Or So I Think...

May 11, 2007 16:46

Okay, before I say what I'm about to say let me just say that I have to make this very quick since I'm already neglecting so many other things by posting already but I feel that I have to even if it's a short one filled with hardly any details other that the fact that yes I'm alive XD Sorries to fujiwara_san and yukari_rin for making you worry so much. I'm grateful for your concern. Really. Love you two wife-ies. *blows kisses* ♥

So. Once again it was the computer. Again? Yes I know. Honestly I think we all should be use to it or atleast get to even though I cease to do so each and every time @.@ Even now my computer is crappy. I'm pretty sure it's missing tons of components but I will make due or atleast try to. Anyway, I have tons of stuff to post. Mostly if not only things I said I would. The HanaNeji goodness for sei_shounagon. The doujinshi scans for annwyd, and various other things that I'm currently forgetting that I hope you, the flist, will remind me. But most importantly, my lovely wonderful spectactular wifey Fuji's birthday gift that is completely and utterly overdue. Sadly, what I have planned was lost. *see above* Which also explains why I wasn't able to send people their holidays gifts/cards since I lost your addresses as well along with the means of communicating.

Other than my dear friend kikuko_kamimura, who sent me mine therefore allowing me to send her one. Smart girl XD By the way, I will send you a letter back yo. I apologize for the lateness. And yes! I didn't miss your birthday. I was worried I did. Hopefully, we will be able to talk that day and celebrate! ♥

But I will make and give another thing for you Fuji-wifey. Whatever you want that I can do I shall. Let me know~

I think that's basically it though I'm sure I'm forgetting tons of things. There's also me working on revamping this thing. I'm currently in the mist of that and am almost done so look forward to the new look and all that jazz. I'll be commenting in all of your journal very soon especially those I promised I would. I'll update again whenever I can and elaborate further on everything but until then comment away with whatever. Catch me up on fandoms, your life, you or just spam to your heart's content!

Also, Rinny-wifey. Guess what? Ahem. I CAN GO TO ANIME NEXT! I already pre-reg for all three days. Oh yes. I'm praying you can go as well and we can hang out and stuff. I think you know what I'm talking about. XDD Let me knowwww so we can plan it all out.


Edit: sweet_chii, hope you got my email yo. ♥
Edit#2: Thank you all for the comments. Truly. I love you all and I will definitely respond as soon as I can. <3 Right after I come back from ze guitar lessons tomorrow to be exact.
Edit to the Edit: I already responded to some of you. I couldn't help it! But more fun and comments tomorrow. *is shot*

lj is love dammit, , spam me now please, i'm back dammit, wife-ies, genki genki genki, killing you with lurve, missed you all, i need to catch up deargod, yukari_rin, fujiwara_san, every damn tag you can imagine

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