Epic Quest Update: progress on making the game

Sep 17, 2011 02:02

Two updates in one post today, since we didn't actually make an update about starting this playtest!

Update 1: Major breakthrough (+5 points)
Worked out a basic set of rules for the Epic Quest Game, and started this playtest!
Levelups: +5 Forward Momentum, +2 Social Bravery, +1 Getting Things Finished (opening the community for playtesting).

Update 2: Making good progress (+3 points)

Thanks to some awesome feedback from sylver_spiders ( +5 Helpfulness points!) we've made a lot of improvements to the Epic Quest game that we'll be putting up on the community over the next few days.

1) We've decided to make some game characters and to convert all the game rules into comic form, to make this more of a game, rather than just posting about your projects. The instructions will now be explained by two characters: Elaine the Bard and Geoffrey the Wizard, your companions on your Epic Quests :-) A. has been drawing some awesome artwork, and neo_leviathan has been converting the instructions into dialogue, so the comics will be up later this week.

2) We're going to call the world (and the game) Istoria, which means "story" or "history" in Russian (and other European languages). The game is about creating the story of your own life, after all.

3) The Demon of Procrastination Minigame is also getting some updates, with artwork and helpful advice from Geoffrey and Elaine :-)

4) We've also made the list of available updates, and points awarded for different types of updates more structured. When we make this game into a standalone website, these will be awarded automatically as much as possible, through your choices of updates, or when your friends decide to award you extra points. For the LJ playtest, though, you might just have to stick with awarding points to yourself for now...

Levelups: +3 Forward Momentum, +1 Introspection (thinking about how we can improve the game).

Quest Levels: 8
Forward Momentum: 8
Persistence: 0
Getting Things Finished: 1
Social Bravery: 2
Introspection: 1
Helpfulness: 0
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