Our furnace drama

Dec 01, 2009 10:20

I got home from work yesterday just before 4pm. I thought it was a bit chilly in the house and looked at the thermostat. It said 60 degrees. Ummm...no. It should be at at least 65 degrees. And it said it was "on," but there was no furnace noise. Hmmmm...

Went grocery shopping and got back to still 60 degrees. supersech remembered our neighbors having this problem, too and went to ask them what it was. supersech and J came back. "Look in this little window on the furnace and count the blinks." He counted four and we found out what that meant--the pressure switch wasn't working. Oh, goody! supersech found the notebook with all the phone numbers from when we bought the house. he found the number and we called. "We'll call you tomorrow morning at 7:30 to set up a time." Fine with us. Which meant for me a day off from work.

They called at 7:10, asked if they could come by between 8:30 and 10am and I said, "Yes!" the guy showed up at 8:50 and was gone by 9:10am. All he needed to do was change the pressure switch. (turns out we're the third house in our neighborhood this has happened) We'll be charged $150. Joy!

But at least the house is warm again!
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