Dec 10, 2005 20:58
Stella and I have moved into our new home. Or perhaps it is more accurate to say we have moved into one room in our new home. We slept here for the first time on Thursday night. Stella has not yet even seen the rest of the house. She is restricted to one room until some things get straightened out. For example the cellar door was taken off to be painted and hasn't been replaced yet. I don't want her in the cellar where there are lots of bad things for her to get into.
In my bedroom I have set up my small tv and vcr, the telephone and my laptop. There are some rooms where there are no lights or working outlets so I can't use them after dark. Until late this afternoon I had no door on the first floor bathroom. It was being painted. It has been replaced, but it has no doorknob yet. The upstairs bathroom has nothing in it. No toilet, sink or shower. Not even tiles on the floor or walls yet. As for showers, there is a shower in the first floor bathroom, but there is no hot water in the house. Hopefully I'll have hot water on Monday...or Tuesday....or Wednesday.
I have no kitchen. I might have a kitchen by the end of next week...or not.
I eat out occasionally or don't eat. I have some bottled water and juice that I keep cold in the back room which has no heat.
Except for that back room, I do have heat. The house is warm even with the temperature low. I had insulation put in all the walls.
Its kind of like being in a room with a bed and tv. A European hotel with the bathroom on another floor and where the lights go off when there is a strike each day. A campground with no showers or hot water.