Sep 01, 2012 23:12
I love getting prompts. I mainly love them because they make me branch out.
However, I CANNOT write G-PG for any real amount of time. Why not? I CUSS LIKE A FUCKING SAILOR!!! I was assigned a Loki/OFC pairing because, I'm pretty sure, I was the only one willing to write an OFC. I was hoping for something new for me like Steve/Bucky, but I wouldn't have put it if I wasn't willing to write it.
However, I'm sorry for the prompter, but PG ain't happening. The warnings will explicetly state that the PG-13 ONLY comes from some language, though. I'm fine with writing a couple with no sex. Sometimes I write PG-y stuff by accident. When I'm TOLD to write PG, I come up with an OFC who swears like a crack addled monkey.
I DO promise to keep the phrase 'cunt nugget' away from the draft I summit. The one I eventually post here, which will likely be rated R and redone to my personal liking? No promises.