Leonard was standing in the muted light of the quarters
Kirk had assigned them, still not quite able to grasp the reality of this situation.
He was on the Enterprise.
Maybe it was that his surroundings, these rooms, looked nothing like any of the Enterprises he'd been used to, but it still didn't seem quite real. The rooms were larger, for one, no red mesh dividers or muted sixties' colors, just bright gleaming white walls and gray bulkheads. Too polished. Too smooth, not enough edges to be confused with the original set of Star Trek.
Or maybe it was the fact that he suddenly found himself back in a thirty-something year-old body, quite unexpectedly, and all the consequences that seemed to come with that unexpected change.
The fact that Bill had similarly lost forty-odd years from his body.
When he had first met him, in 1966 (The Strigas Affair didn't count, since neither of them seemed able to recall it properly, brief acting stint as that had been), his body had been exactly the same age as it was now. However, he himself had quite confidently mastered the impulse control necessary whenever his senses had been assaulted by Bill - except on those rare occasions where he'd gotten just a little too close for comfort - since, well, he'd put his teenager years far behind him, long ago.
Apparently with the lessened need for such impulse control, brought on by aging, he'd lost all practice, however. He simply wasn't used anymore, to having to clamp down on unwanted physical responses whenever Bill was around, as had become quite evident during their walk to these quarters, earlier. As became evident, again, right now, because he couldn't shake that image inside his head, of Bill as he looked now, again. He would've made an almost comical sight in his oversized clothes, except for the way his collarbones had been displayed by the gaping neck of his shirt, except for that smile he'd sent Leonard, just before he'd entered his own room, and the way that his eyes crinkling at the corners was no longer simply cute, but breathtakingly hot.
Goddamnit, there he went again. He frowned at the tenting of his slacks, consternated. Not only was getting an erection right now wildly inappropriate, given how unresolved things were between them, given that De was still in sickbay, for fuck's sake, but he simply... wouldn't have it. His body might have decided to act like a horny teenager, but his mind had seventy-eight years worth of life-experience at hand, and he was not going to let the former trump the latter. Under no circumstances. It wasn't him.
So, ignoring the frustrating, itching sensation below his belt, he headed towards the computer terminal instead. Kirk had briefly demonstrated how it worked, and given that it seemed to operate mostly on voice-command, he probably wouldn't couldn't fuck it up too badly, despite the technology itself being... mindblowing, really.
Now that he was here, he might as well send some messages.