This time, it was Leonard who was waiting for Bill to return, after he had gone to
meet Jim, ostensibly for a manly, entirely platonic affair.
Jim might be unaware of the real purpose behind the visit, but the thing was, Leonard decidedly wasn't.
In fact, his awareness of Bill's... intentions was proving to be more than a little distracting, and not in an entirely unpleasant way; with the newfound knowledge of what Jim looked like, sounded like, in his female form, it took little to put together a mental image that perhaps should have induced jealousy, and yet did nothing of the sort.
Once upon a time, he knew, he would have been jealous, but somewhere along the line - and heavily influenced by Susan, without a doubt - the fear that provoked it had melted away, and left only anticipation, imagination and their inevitable consequences.
Distracting though it was, Leonard much preffered things this way.
And so he waited.