Nov 19, 2011 18:43
Why is it that I am much more critical of my writings than my sewing? I'm trying to put together a submission for a poetry anthology that has to be in by the end of the month. First I tried to convince myself that I had no where near seven pages of decent poems so there was no reason to try to write a few more this week to make the deadline. So, I c&p'd all the poems I would consider submitting into one new document, reformatted into Times New Roman 12pt and discovered that I had just about 5(!) pages of poems already. Not only that, but only about 3 more poems would put me into the 7th page and into the submission requirements. My next reaction should be Wow! I'm going to have enough to submit! And it was -- for about long enough to post about it on Facebook. Then I started worrying that _none_ of my poems were good enough for submission if I considered that many good enough. Maybe I don't know what a good poem is.
I have no trouble believing people when they tell me how good I am at fabric crafts, yet I never believe it when people tell me my poems are good. I don't think it's that I think of myself as a poet and those offering the opinions as not, and therefore not able to see the deficiencies in my poems. If anything it's the opposite, I have much more trouble calling myself a poet than a fabric artist, and it's the critiques from writers and poets that I am the most disbelieving of. Argh! I can't even write 'other writers and poets'! Maybe there's a reason I keep expecting all my poems to be published posthumously.