Parliment - 08/28/11

Aug 28, 2011 13:30

What a fantastic party!  For once, there wasn't anyone in attendance whom I didn't trust in the house...well, except for some the more rowdy children who were in the first wave.  Otherwise, it was a breeze of a party, with the new backyard acting as a great setting for good food, good drink, and good times.  I'm a little hung over this morning, and I need to do some cleaning before Erika's folks come by, so I'm not going to linger, but suffice to say, it was a huge success.

There was one unfortunate oversight --- no photographs were taken at all.  I don't think I saw one camera, and Erika and I totally forgot to make use of our own.  There's nothing more tragic than an undocumented party.

Luckily, you can get a brief sense of the party by listening to Party People by 70's funk stalwarts, Parliment.  Consider this a snapshot of the party itself --- after all, it's all about fun.  Though I generally prefer to include the original versions the songs I feature on the Fix, I'm making an exception here, because the original 1979 version (off Gloryhallastoopid) clocks in at 10 minutes in length.  The version off the compilation disc, Tear The Roof Off, is half the length and ultimately doesn't feel like it leaves anything out.

Party People - Parliment
1979 - Tear the Roof Off
Track Length - 4:45
Right Click to Download
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